What is a Psychiatrist

Many people wonder about the different types of mental health professionals. What is a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical physician who goes through the same training as other medical doctors, but specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of  mental health disorders and medical conditions that cause psychiatric symptoms. Consider how psychiatrists are highly trained: medical school, residency, and fellowships. These specialists spend 8 years or more in training. They are generally unmatched in their diagnostic training. One critical advantage is that they can rule out medical causes of psychiatric symptoms. For example, are your symptoms of depression due to an underlying medical condition like anemia?   It is important that you are being treated for the right condition.  It's like going to a car mechanic who can accurately tell why your car isn’t operating.  Your car will work better when the mechanic fixes the right problem.

In addition to finding your diagnosis, a psychiatrist (like other physicians) can prescribe medication.

Moreover, some Psychiatrists (such as, Dr. Monaco), are also Psychotherapists and can offer a multidisciplinary approach where you can receive medication management and therapy from one provider, making your treatment highly effective.

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