About the Practice

Here is a description of the different types of services offered.

Medication Management:  Our initial evaluation for medication management includes a comprehensive understanding of your psychiatric and medical history, an understanding of your symptoms and a collaborative treatment plan.  Subsequent sessions include an ongoing discussion of your symptoms, and continued evaluation of your progress. Request this service.

Psychotherapy:  Here we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your psychiatric and medical history.  The goal is to gain an understanding of you as a person, the issues you would like to focus on and the depth of the difficulties you may be experiencing.  Because there is an integrative approach to treatment, the psychotherapeutic approach is adapted for your needs. This may include a combination of supportive and motivational, cognitive, and/or psychodynamic orientations.  The ultimate goal is to be able to help you with the changes you are seeking in your life. Request this service.

Combined Psychotherapy & Medication Management:  Many clients come for both services from one provider.  In this practice it is highly effective to know the person, the depth of the difficulties and effect change with a combined approach.  Request this service.